
Welcome to the world of sports history, where we will highlight stories on the stories making sports history around the world today and in the past, and how they relate to sports history.

“Sport” as defined in the modern dictionary is ‘an athletic activity requiring skill or physical prowess, often of a competitive nature.  The roots of sport germinated in the human desire to compete, in human individualism and are firmly rooted in the human ego, which transcends the physical and enters into a universe that is ten percent physical and ninety percent mental focus and confidence, once the athlete gets beyond the mere physical aspects of sport.  The ability of an athlete to perform at the top of their game in snooker and darts, two sports covered by this blog, are just as intense as any of the more physical sports included here, when the athlete is in the zone.

Athletes in sports display passion for being the best, for the will to persevere, despite the overwhelming physical and mental challenges put before them, for going beyond the mere physical and onto another field of excellence.

They draw and inspire generations of young fans to follow their careers and young athletes to emulate their competitive ways, athletes and fans that cannot help but be drawn to the drama that was never scripted, dogged determination to win to matter the cost, or by a David and Goliath battle.

There is no winner or a loser in sport, just competitors, for the desire to compete is an individualistic endeavour against a foe we can never truly conquer, ourselves.  Our hidden-Jacob is far stronger and faster and can only be conquered from within.

The grace, beauty, agility, strength and mental focus of Michael Jordan, Wayne Gretzky, Roger Federer, Nadia Comaneci and Muhammad Ali are typical of generations of sports heroes that will forever be etched in the memories of billions of sports fans.

The greatest untapped power of sport is its ability to bind and unite people from every culture and culture.

The history of sport is endless, making the task of choosing the performances and events that make up this blog, a neat trick.  If you know of a sport, event, or particular athlete you think should be covered, leave me a note, and I’ll see if my Genie is in his bottle, today.

Warren. J. Wong

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